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Safety - Bus Charter Germany

Safety - Bus Charter Germany

Your Safety is priority

Seat Belt Safety

It is European law that seat belts must be worn at all times. Irro-Reisen complies to the new Department of Transport seat belt regulations relating to coach and minibus services.

First Aid

All vehicles carry a First Aid Kit and each kit is sealed so we know when any items have been used. In addition, it is part of the driver 's daily check list to ensure the kit is in place and sealed. The First Aid Kit is also checked as part of our regular preventative maintenance inspections.

Fire Extinguishers

All vehicles must carry a fire extinguisher. All extinguishers are sealed so we know if it 's been used (or tampered with). It 's part of the drivers daily check list to ensure the extinguisher is in the correct position and sealed. The fire extinguisher is also checked as part of our regular preventative maintenance inspections. The driver will also make passengers aware of fire exits before departure.

Vehicle Maintenance

The maintenance of our vehicles is top priority and as a consequence we carry out all vehicle maintenance in-house by our team of expert engineers. Vehicle maintenance records are maintained by our Transport Manager. As a precondition of our operators licence vehicles have to undertake preventative maintenance inspections regulary and these inspections are also carried out by our engineers.

Vehicle Defect Report System

The company operates a defect reporting system. Daily reports are made for each vehicle that is to be used by a driver and any defects identified and rectified as soon as possible.

Safety Pack

Each coach carries a safety pack which includes a Hi Visibility Safety Vest and Hazard Warning Triangle. This safety pack is a legal requirement in some parts of Europe.


On appointment all staff undergo an induction programme.
Included within the induction programme:

All driving staff have to undertake regular medicals to hold a licence. The expiry date for these medicals is also checked at the same time as the driving licence review.


Smoking on board any company vehicles is prohibited by law.

Mobile Phones

Staff are reminded, regularly about the use of mobile phones whilst driving.

Lassen Sie sich inspirieren



Wir haben unsere eigene, moderne Reisebusflotte.

Unsere Busvermietungs- und Gruppenreiseabteilung bietet individuellen Service und Unterstützung Sie bei der Planung Ihrer Fahrten.

Unsere Reisebusse stehen Ihnen zuferlässig und pünktlich zur Verfügung, um Ihnen und Ihren Reisegästen den besten Service zu garantieren.

Unsere Reisebusse
Unsere Busfahrer

Unsere Busfahrer

Unsere Busfahrer verfügen über mehrjährige Erfahrung auf den Straßen Europas absolvieren regelmäßige Sicherheitstrainings.

In Deutschland gibt es strenge Vorschriften bezüglich der Fahr- und Ruhezeiten für Busfahrer.


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Member of bdo Member of RDA Member of Federal Association of German Incoming Companies

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Busvermietung Deutschland

Phone: +49 5841 977 324